
Acupuncture is the longest established form of health care in the world. Acupuncture is a safe treatment for all ages. We practice traditional and western acupuncture inserting fine disposable needles to help specific conditions.

Acupuncture is helpful for people who suffer with asthma, back pain, arthritis, headaches, joint pain (hip, knee, shoulder and elbow) skin problems, menstrual problems and mild addictions.

Dail’s Chiropractic Clinic

To make an appointment or if you are unsure whether acupuncture treatment can help you - please call our friendly team on 01253 739052.

Chiropractic Treatment for Neck and Back Pain

Get rid of back pain with Chiropractic Care! We take a unique and caring approach to help you relieve back pain...


Chiropractic Treatment for Headaches

Get rid of headaches with Chiropractic Care! Research into Chiropractic treatment suggest that Chiropractic care can...

stay healthy

Chiropractic Treatment to Stay Healthy!

Improve family life with Chiropractic Care! Your family can have better fitness, less headaches and avoid back pain...